Emotions And Spacetime

The Universe is a collection of vibrations of an infinite variety of frequencies. Such vibrations are perceived in the form of thoughts that are then experienced as emotions once the vibration of the thought emanates outwards through the body. Therefore, the emotions you experience are of a nature like that of your thoughts in that their vibration is a derivative of the vibration experienced in the form of thought. Your emotions thus mark your location within spacetime since they are of a vibration like that which is perceived through your thoughts. Therefore, as your location within spacetime changes, so changes your emotional state and vice versa.

As a result of this phenomenon, you may use your emotional state as an indication of the nature of the spacetime in which you reside. As your emotions improve, so is the nature of the surrounding spacetime improving. In this way, your emotions become the direct perception of the nature of the spacetime in which you exist and you may alter your location within spacetime by altering the nature of your emotions.

Thus, if you are presently experiencing a particular outcome of your thoughts that you do not find to be desirable, you simply need to identify the emotional state that is produced by the present state of your surrounding spacetime so that you may establish a new emotional state that differs in nature from its present state. The greater does your emotional state begin to differ from its present state, the further away from that location within spacetime will you have become.

Conversely, if you wish to encounter a particular experience, all that you must do is attempt to identify the emotional state you would be experiencing were you to have such an experience. Then, once such an emotional state has been identified, you can move continually closer to that particular area of spacetime by increasing the likeness of your emotional state to the one that has been identified. The more alike in nature does your emotional state become to the desired one, the closer are you getting within spacetime to the desired experience. Once that particular emotional state becomes stabilized, your desire is then in the process of being fulfilled.