How's It Going?

Once it is understood that the Universe is vibrational in nature, numerous deductions may then be made concerning the degree of success you are having while manifesting your desires. For instance, you can always tell precisely where you are in the manifesting process by simply comparing your personal energy value to the one you would maintain were your desires to manifest. The greater is the likeness between your emotional state and the one you would maintain were your desire to manifest, the greater is the likeness of your reality to the desire being created. This is due to the fact that your position within the Universe, and the state of the surrounding Universe, are always equal to your personal vibration since your vibration is constantly interacting with the vibrations of the surrounding world

This particular effect provides for a useful indicator you may use throughout the manifesting process. When you first begin manifesting a desire, the likeness between your emotional state and the desired one will likely not be very significant. This is precisely why the desire to bring your dreams to a reality is formed in the first place, because the discrepancy between your personal energy value and the one you would maintain were your desire to manifest results in thoughts of the desire's manifestation being of a considerably higher energy value than your vibration's present state. Ergo, as you consider the thought of your desire coming to fruition, you are immediately exposed to a considerably higher energy value that naturally results in an uptick in your personal energy value and this uptick is experienced in the form of a positive good feeling sensation.

Therefore, as you continually increase the desirability of your vibration to match the desire being created, this discrepancy is decreased since your average emotional state then becomes a better match to the desired one. It is in this way that you may tell precisely where you are in the manifesting process since you may simply assess the degree to which thoughts of your desire's manifestation improve your emotional state to tell where you are in the manifesting process. The greater is the degree to which such thoughts alter your emotional state as you consider them, the greater is the difference between your present energy value and the desired one and thus the greater is the distance you must then travel to bring the desire about.

Another indicator you may use to tell how you are doing while manifesting is the process of assessing the desirability of your emotional state. Since your emotional state essentially equals the state of your reality, because its vibration matches the vibration of your reality, the desirability of your reality is always equal to the desirability of your emotional state. Ergo, you may simply assess how desirable your emotional state is in any given moment to identify how desirable is the reality presently being created by your thoughts. The more desirable is the emotional state encountered while using this particular method of gauging your progress, the more successfully are you then bringing your desires to fruition since a more desirable emotional state is always of a greater likeness to the one you would maintain were your desires to actually manifest.