The True Power Of Repetition

Repetition is an extremely common phenomenon in this Universe. The entire Universe in a way is an infinite series of repeating patterns of likeness. Every point within spacetime is nonetheless wholly unique though. Thus, even when two objects seem to possess infinite likeness, they are actually quite different from one another.

The same principle applies to thoughts as well. While you may believe that you are thinking the same thoughts over and over again, you are actually thinking a very different thought each time a thought seems to repeat. The reason for this is resonance. Each time you think a particular thought, your personal vibration becomes considerably more harmonized with the vibration of that thought. Thus, each time you think a particular thought, you are actually thinking an amplified form of the original thought. This amplification occurs every time you repeat the thought and the thought thus becomes even more extensively amplified with each repetition. This is important, because while you may believe you are thinking the same thought repeatedly, you are actually quite likely thinking a hugely amplified form of the original thought you started with.

The cause of this phenomenon is that of a changing energy value. As you think a desirable thought, your personal energy value rises to match its energy value. Thus, if you were to think the thought again to produce the same degree of emotion as before, the thought must be of a considerably higher energy value to compensate for the increasing of your personal energy value that resulted from the thinking of the previous thought. Therefore, while it may seem as if you are simply repeating the same thought from your perspective, you are actually thinking an exponentially more desirable thought once this process has been repeated a few times.

This is the true power of repetition, because while it is just as easy for you to think this particular thought from the perspective of the higher energy value to produce the same degree of emotion that was experienced in the initial thinking of it, the energy increases that are experienced as you think this thought ultimately become exponentially larger than the original increase in your energy value that resulted from the initial thought of it. You can use this phenomenon to your advantage by repeatedly thinking the same thought over and over again with the intention of producing the same degree of emotion that was experienced in the initial thought of it. The more extensively is this process repeated, the more extensively will the thought be amplified and thus the higher in energy value will be the thought you are thinking after multiple repetitions.

In addition to this basic example of resonance, you can actually amplify the thought even more extensively by attempting to enhance the degree of emotion that is experienced each time the thought is repeated. The degree of amplification is defined by the degree of emotion that is experienced in the repeating of a thought. Thus, the more extensive is the positive emotion experienced in the thinking of your desire, the more extensively amplified will be the thought after each repetition.