The Nature Of Vibrational Ripples

Vibrational ripples are the result of vibrations mixing and averaging with the vibrations with which they interact. While vibrational ripples are most apparent in ponds and other bodies of water, they occur in all environments, and they are generated by every thought you think too.

Whenever a significant vibration is generated as a result of your prolonged and intense focus, the resulting vibration then mixes into the vibrations of your surroundings. The degraded form of the vibration that results due to this mixing is of a similar frequency to the thought that created it, but it is nonetheless less significant than its predecessor due to its mixing with vibrations of a differing frequency found in your surroundings.

The mixture that arises is a balance between the frequency of the vibration generated by your thoughts and the frequencies of the vibrations found in your surroundings. Since the resulting vibrations are a mixture containing the vibrations generated by your thoughts, they are thus of a similar nature to the thoughts you think, but as a vibration mixes with vibrations of differing frequencies, its frequency becomes decreasingly apparent in the forms found in your surroundings, and it therefore has a less significant impact upon your surroundings the further away you go from its origin as a result of each point in the ripple being less like the source of the vibration than its predecessor.

You can use this effect to your advantage by deliberately giving prolonged attention to the most desirable thoughts you can find to create matching ripples that will then appear in your life experiences, phenomena otherwise known as manifestations. The more intense and prolonged is your focus, the more significant will the resulting ripples thereby become.