How To Benefit From Negativity

As you come across negative people, people experiencing negative bad feeling emotions, you can be benefited by observing the way they are thinking and truly feeling the emotions that are generated by the thoughts they think. In the same way, to manifest your desires, you should think thoughts that generate strong positive emotions and truly feel the emotions that are generated by those thoughts.

By doing so, you will be able to manifest your desires with greater ease as you find it easier and easier to focus in a way that generates strong positive emotion within you. This process will also help you to better distinguish the significant differences that exist between positive emotions and negative emotions.

If you give your attention to someone who is experiencing strong negative emotions, it is often quite easy to see that they are directly focusing on something they do not want. Even so, as they continue to align with their negative thoughts, they continue to attract thoughts that are of a similar nature, negative bad feeling thoughts, and this attraction will ultimately attract experiences that are a vibrational match to them, experiences that trigger strong negative emotions within them.

By observing people who are willing to endure a considerable amount of negative emotion as they give their attention to something they do not want, it becomes easier to see how this process is not desirable and the benefits of giving your attention to positive thoughts will then be much more apparent as a result.

You can also benefit from negative emotion that arises within you too. When you experience negative emotion, the law of attraction attracts thoughts and experiences that match unto you and as this attraction occurs, you will see the power of your focus in action as well as how you can go about creating your life using thoughts that trigger positive emotion instead.

Once you identify specific thoughts that trigger negative emotion within you, you can use the structure of those thoughts to create new thoughts that trigger positive emotion within you. For instance, if you are upset by the actions of another, you can see the way in which you think about their actions and how those thoughts attract more thoughts that trigger extensive amounts of negative emotion within you. Then, when you are ready to deliberately create your life, you can use those negative thoughts as a blueprint for creating positive thoughts. For example, to create a positive thought in this instance, you can imagine someone in your life taking actions that uplift you and think thoughts about this uplifting person that trigger positive emotion within you. By applying this process, you will be able to tremendously enhance the power of your positive thoughts and thus increase the amount of positive emotion future experiences will trigger within you.

As you experience negative emotion, it will also be fairly easy for you to see that you do not want to experience negative emotion in that moment, but if you understand that you have the ability to direct your focus around the Universe at will, you will then be in a position to give your attention to subjects that trigger strong positive emotion within you and you will be able to hold your focus there, because you will understand the importance and the power of this process.

As you give your attention to subjects that trigger strong positive emotion within you, you will then attract more thoughts that are of a like nature, thoughts that trigger strong positive emotion within you, and this attraction of thought will ultimately lead to experiences that are a vibrational match to them as well, experiences that trigger strong positive emotion within you.