Powerful Thoughts

All thoughts create your reality, but most of your thoughts are consistent in nature with the nature of your present reality. Thus, the effects of most thoughts are barely perceptible since they only create more of the same as that which you are already experiencing. Your most powerful thoughts though are those that change the nature of your reality to the greatest extent.

The degree to which a thought is capable of changing the nature of your reality is equal to the degree to which the frequency of its vibration differs from the vibration of your present reality. In other words, the degree to which a thought changes the nature of your reality is equal to the degree to which it differs in nature from the state of your present reality. Ergo, your most powerful thoughts are those that greatly differ in nature from the state of your current reality.

Such a difference is made clearly apparent by comparing the nature of the thought to the nature of the thought that is considered as your present reality is given your attention. This difference is also made apparent by the degree of emotion that is experienced in the thinking of a thought since a significant amount of emotion indicates you are being exposed to a vibration of a drastically different frequency than the frequency of your reality's present vibration.

Thus, a powerful thought is easily created by thinking a particularly positive thought that produces a substantial amount of positive emotion. The greater is the positive emotion produced by your efforts, the greater will be the effect of the thoughts being considered and the greater will be the changes that arise within your reality as a result of thinking such thoughts.