Implications Of Happiness

Happiness is an awareness of the energy from which everything is made. As everything is happiness, what you are really manifesting is a state of happiness and thus your success as a manifestor is always equal to the degree to which your present thought makes you happy. In fact, since every thought corresponds with a specific state of happiness, and all that you perceive in life is but a thought, all you ever do in life is choose a particular state of happiness as is defined by the degree to which your present thought makes you happy.

Furthermore, as everything is happiness, all that you ever experience is that of a particular state of happiness and thus the only reason anything ever happens is due to your choosing to think a thought of a particular degree of happiness matching that which is happening. Ergo, your life is as desirable as the degree of happiness you choose to experience. Thus, to increase the desirability of your life experience, all you must do is choose to experience a greater degree of happiness by thinking a happier thought.