Money Frequencies

Everything is energy vibrating at an infinite number of vibrational frequencies. Every experience you have also corresponds with a specific vibrational frequency. For this reason, you can identify the vibrational frequency that corresponds with specific dollar amounts to more accurately determine the vibrational distance you must travel to fulfill your dreams.

In this sense, one penny can equal a vibrational frequency of 1 and every dollar amount you give your attention generates a different feeling within you due to the difference between their corresponding vibrational frequencies. You can easily bear witness to this phenomenon by observing the infinite number of feelings that are generated within you as you give your attention to possessing various quantities of money too. Thus, to assist yourself in imagining this phenomenon, a dollar amount such as $100.00, 10,000 pennies, has a vibrational frequency of 10,000 vibrations per second. If you were to have $100.00, you would be vibrating at 10,000 vibrations per second when giving your attention to this fact, perfect harmony with the experience of having $100.00 in your possession.

You can also use this information to better determine the feeling you would be feeling were your desires to manifest. For instance, if you wish to acquire $10,000.00, and you presently have $100.00, you presently vibrate at a vibrational frequency of 10,000 vibrations per second, but you must find a way to improve the way you feel and attain the higher vibrational frequency of 1,000,000 vibrations per second in order to acquire $10,000.00.

Since higher vibrational frequencies feel better to experience than lower ones, you must find a way to improve the way you feel by 100 times in order to manifest your desire. For this reason, you can begin to simply look for ways to feel better and better as you focus on various desirable subjects throughout each day to align with your desire.

You can also give your attention directly to your desire to match its vibrational frequency. As you give your attention to the thought of possessing $10,000.00, you will be giving your attention to the vibrational frequency of 1,000,000 vibrations per second and you will thus begin to vibrate in harmony with it, a process that will eventually lead to your vibrating at 1,000,000 vibrations per second which is the hypothetical vibrational equivalent of the chosen dollar amount. You can also give your attention to points of focus that vibrate at even higher vibrational frequencies to align with their frequencies as well as the vibrational frequency of 1,000,000 vibrations per second simultaneously since a higher frequency vibration would encompass the possessing of all lesser dollar amounts.