It's Too Easy To Be True

It is commonly thought that the law of attraction is too easy to use to be real. When some people learn about the law of attraction, they often think the idea that they can get whatever they want just by thinking about it is impossible, because if that were true they would be rich and have everything they want, but what these individuals do not realize is that they have not been giving their attention to what they truly want and in fact they have likely been giving a lot of their attention to what they do not want despite their best intentions.

For this reason, these individuals are not rich and they do not have everything they want. In reality, it can actually be quite challenging for most people to utilize the law of attraction effectively. In order to apply the law of attraction to your life, you must find a way to give your attention to what you want very frequently in a way that makes you feel as if it is already in your reality.

Now, at first glance this may seem rather simple and easy to do, but if you have ever actually tried to give your attention to what you want as if it is in your current reality for extended periods of time, then you have likely already realized why this seemingly simple task is not so simple.

Since it can actually be quite difficult to devote your attention to focusing on what you want for an entire day, let alone multiple days in a row, the law of attraction can actually be quite difficult to use. For this reason, if someone ever tells you that the law of attraction is too easy to be true, you should bring it to their attention that they likely do not possess the ability to apply this law to their life at this time, because they have not practiced giving their attention to what they want for extended periods of time and thus trained themselves to focus in a way that can make their dreams a reality.

Also, if you are finding the task of giving your attention to what you want for extended periods of time to be difficult, you should incorporate vision boards, meditation, and visualization techniques into your daily routine. As you give your attention to your vision boards and your visualizations throughout the day, you will find the task of focusing on what you want as if it is in your current reality becoming much easier to do, because you will have memories of your visualizations available to you throughout your day as a result of using these techniques.