Feel Your Emotions

While the Universe is vibrational by nature, it is not necessary for you to understand the vibrational nature of the Universe in order to create the life of your dreams. In order to create the life of your dreams, all that is necessary is an understanding of the significance of your emotions.

Your emotions are indicators that give you insight into the vibrational nature of your focus. When you are giving your attention to a desirable subject, desirable good feeling emotions are generated within you, but when you give your attention to an undesirable subject, undesirable bad feeling emotions are generated within you.

By taking the time to physically feel your emotions as they ripple throughout your entire body, you will be able to better understand the vibrational nature of the Universe while also clearly identifying the vibrational content of your focus. The process of physically feeling your emotions to the best of your abilities and with the utmost sensitivity will also help you see the significant differences that exist between the various emotions you feel each and every moment of your life.

Once you are aware of the significant differences that exist between the various emotions you experience, you will become adept at assessing which emotions are desirable and which emotions you no longer wish to experience to the extent you have in the past. This process will also give you the ability to focus on the good feeling emotions you experience and easily identify whether or not you are giving your attention to a point of focus that generates those desirable emotions within you as you give it your attention.