What Is The Vibrational Essence Of Your Story?

The Universe is a complex symphony of vibrating energy. This Universe consisting of advanced harmonics comes with a bonus for those who can consciously guide their thoughts and focus too. That which you focus upon is attracted unto you by the power of your focus. As you give your attention to anything, you begin to vibrate in harmony with it and experiences that are vibrationally harmonized with your focus are thereby attracted unto you. In this way, you can consciously guide your focus and control your personal vibration, the way you feel, to consciously guide the unfolding of your life.

The way you feel is a direct indicator of your current vibrational essence. When you feel good, you are attracting experiences that will make you feel good into your life, because when you feel good, you are attracting experiences that are vibrationally harmonized with the way you currently feel, experiences of a vibrational frequency that makes you feel good.

As you can see, this information can be incredibly powerful. You can now create any type of life you want for yourself. If you are not already consciously guiding your thoughts towards subjects you want to see in your life more often, you should set aside some time to review the current vibrational essence of the story you are telling right now.

Now, it is important to understand that you can change your current story by simply adjusting your focus. For this reason, you should not dwell on your current circumstances or the events that led you to them, but you should dwell on the amazingly bright future you would like to soon be living. By focusing on what it is you want rather than where you are, or where you have been, you can attune your personal vibrational frequency to match experiences you actually want to attract into your life instead.

As you begin to shift your thoughts and focus away from where you are at present by focusing on where you want to be in life, you will likely notice a dramatic shift in the way you feel, especially if you have been giving a lot of your attention to subjects you do not want, subjects that do not make you feel good. This improvement in the way you feel indicates that your point of attraction has been shifted.

The way you feel is your point of attraction, because you are always attracting experiences that match the way you feel in any given moment. When you feel good, you are attracting good feeling experiences into your life and when you do not feel good, you are attracting experiences that will not make you feel good into your life.

There is no limit to the amount of joy you can experience in life. Only you can put a cap on the amount of joy you experience by focusing on subjects that do not make you feel joyful. Once you have realized this simple truth, you will then be able to create any type of life you want to live and have a wonderful time doing so.