Why Are You Experiencing What You Are Currently Experiencing?

Everything you are currently experiencing is the direct result of the thoughts you have been thinking up to this point in time. You create your reality through your every thought and you create your reality as you give your attention to whatever happens to be too. The thoughts you have been thinking recently that are similar in nature to that which you are currently experiencing are the thoughts that created the reality you are experiencing at present.

This information can be incredibly useful for a number of reasons. Whether you are interested in identifying the reasons why you are currently experiencing a certain type of event, or if you are just curious about what is going to happen in the future, you can use this information to review the thoughts you have been recently thinking to uncover the specific thoughts that created your current circumstances and you can also review the thoughts you are thinking right now to identify the types of experiences you are going to encounter in the future.

To get started with this process, you should stop for a moment right now to identify the thoughts you had that led you to where you are at present. Whether you are considering the place you live, the relationships you find yourself in right now, or even why you are currently reading this guide, you can easily identify the thoughts that created the experiences you are presently having by reviewing your most recent thoughts that are similar in nature to that which you are currently experiencing.

If you are having a difficult time discerning the meaning of 'similar in nature', you can simply start reviewing the thoughts you have been thinking lately that make you feel the same way you feel right now. Which thoughts have you been thinking lately that make you feel the same way you feel right now? The thoughts you can most readily identify when asking yourself this question are the thoughts that created the reality you are currently experiencing.

While this can be an interesting fact of life to be familiar with, it can also be an incredibly useful fact to be aware of as well. Once you know exactly what you are going to be experiencing in the future, and you are aware of the fact that your present thoughts are going to create those future experiences, you can deliberately direct your attention towards thoughts that make you feel good to create equally good feeling experiences.

Then, once experiences that match the good feeling thoughts have manifested in your life experience, you will know exactly how they arose and you can then start giving your attention to thoughts that make you feel even better to continue the process of improving your life. As you continue to give your attention to better and better feeling thoughts, your life will become increasingly better too.

In summary, the primary reason why you are where you are at present is due to the fact that you have been thinking thoughts that are similar in nature to that which you are currently experiencing. In other words, the primary reason why you are where you are right now is due to the fact that you have been thinking thoughts that make you feel the same way you feel right now. You can use this information to your advantage by simply giving your attention to thoughts that make you feel the way you want to feel to thereby create experiences of a matching nature.