The Most Effective Way To Use The Law Of Attraction

The law of attraction is a very powerful law that anyone can take advantage of at any time. Everyone uses this law in their daily lives whether or not they are aware of it too. If you are aware of this law though, and you know how it works, you can truly create any type of life you want to live.

You can easily harness the law of attraction by focusing on the way you want to feel. In this Universe, like attracts like. When you feel good, you are attracting experiences that will make you feel good. When you feel bad, you are attracting experiences that will make you feel bad.

By understanding this concept at its most basic level, you can immediately harness the power of the law of attraction by doing whatever you can to feel good right now. Once you feel good, you will start attracting additional experiences into your life that will also make you feel good.

If you have a specific goal in mind you want to achieve, you can easily accomplish this goal by focusing on the feeling you would feel if the goal were to be accomplished. How would you feel right now if that which you desire manifested? How would you feel right now if that which you want to happen had already happened and you were living life from the perspective of experiencing its fulfillment?

Once you know how you want to feel, focus on the feeling you have discovered as well as the experience you are creating. As a result of doing so, your desires will be fulfilled due to the law of attraction, because you are constantly attracting experiences into your life that match the way you feel. When you feel as if you already have what you want, your point of attraction is set at the point of already having it and it must then come racing into your life experience as a result.

To find the feelings you would be feeling if your desire manifested, use your imagination to focus on the experience of witnessing its fulfillment right now. As you do so, the feeling you would be feeling if your desire were to manifest will thereby be triggered within you.

The real trick here is the process of finding a way to make yourself feel that way at all times though. If you only feel that way for a short period of time each day, you are setting your point of attraction to the point you want it to be at, the feeling of experiencing the fulfillment of your desire, but you will only see an insignificant amount of what you want in your life experience if you feel differently than the way you want to feel for the majority of each day you live. If you feel differently than the way you would feel were your desire to manifest, your point of attraction will be set at a different point than where you want it to be and you will thus create circumstances that differ from the type of circumstances you want to create.

If you truly desire to have what you want, and it is not just a fleeting desire that will fade quickly as you come across other desirable experiences, you will be willing to continually focus in a way that makes you feel as if you already have what you want. Once you apply this process to having what it is you truly want, and once you are willing to remain feeling the way you want to feel at all times, you will manifest your desires very quickly.

By keeping your focus upon the feeling of experiencing your desire's fulfillment, you will always be attracting your desire into your life. As you continue to engage in this process, your desires will begin to flow into your life experience much more freely overall. If you were to continue centering your focus on the feeling of having what it is you want right now, your desires would have to be fulfilled due to the law of attraction.

While it may be difficult to keep your focus on a specific feeling at all times, you can make it much easier to do so by focusing on a feeling you want to experience more frequently. If you can find a feeling you want to focus on so much that you are willing to give a considerable amount of your attention solely to that feeling, you will be able to manifest your desires very quickly. If you can keep your focus on the feeling you want to feel more often simply for the pleasure this process gives you, you will move towards the fulfillment of your desires at a very rapid pace indeed.