Proof Of The Law Of Attraction

Proof of the law of attraction is literally all around you. Look at whatever happens to be around you right now and what is occurring in your present life experience. Once you have done so, you will then notice that you have thought about every single manifestation you see around you right now in some way.

Now, if you give even more thought to that which surrounds you at present, you will soon discover that you are going to get even more of that which is already present in your current life experience. For example, if you turn your attention towards your TV, you will soon realize that you have probably put quite a bit of thought and focus into your TV and the shows displayed on it. If you place your thoughts and attention on your TV right now, you will probably even feel an urge to turn it on. If you were to follow through with that urge, instead of putting your attention elsewhere, you will discover that you are going to end up spending a few hours with the TV as your primary point of focus. That is just the way the law of attraction works since you always get more of that which you give your attention.

If you want more substantial proof of the law of attraction's existence, such as evidence that you can actually deliberately create your living environment and corresponding life experience just by guiding your thoughts, then you might have to put a little bit more effort into the process. Many people find it very easy to give their attention to their TV, but if you want to attract something very specific, you might have to seek it out in your thoughts and the physical world which surrounds you.

If you have a computer, you can easily attract anything you want in an instant. For example, let's say you want a Bentley motorcar for instance. So, here you are with this inkling in your stomach that you will be very happy if you have more Bentleys in your life experience. To get started, type the term 'Bentley cars' into your favorite search engine. You will then notice that you just turned a thought into a reality since you thought about a Bentley motorcar and you now have one in your present life experience, a physical manifestation. If you choose to give even more time and attention to the subject of Bentley motorcars, you are certainly going to find yourself surrounded by much more information and evidence relating to this particular point of attraction too.

Now, if you were to take this process even further, if you are still not sure about whether or not the law of attraction really exists, you are likely now saying, "Well, hey that's common sense that I think about a Bentley and I use this simple tool of a computer to manifest a Bentley." So, you are someone who is looking for absolute proof that your attention to this subject will actually attract it into your experience with no further effort on your part. The only thing you need to do now is dive deeper into the information you are finding online concerning Bentley automobiles. To do so, discover everything you can about Bentleys right now. Look into their manufacturing plants, the dealerships that sell them, people who buy them, or anything else that is related to Bentleys.

You will likely find your attention shifting from Bentleys to a variety of additional subjects at this point though. In most cases, if you were intently focused on an actual Bentley in the first place, and not some other thought of a different nature, you are now attracting subjects that perfectly match Bentley automobiles. So, you are probably now finding yourself also looking at Ferraris, or you may find yourself stopping to investigate what type of house a person who owns a Bentley might choose to live in. There are practically an infinite number of related topics you may find yourself more interested in at this point, but if you want to truly uncover proof of the law of attraction, turn your attention back to Bentleys to increase the alignment you personally have with these cars to thereby create a matching manifestation.

Now that you have gone as deep as you can into discovering what the world of Bentley motorcars is truly like, you have likely now seen many pictures of Bentleys, watched videos of people driving these cars, and you have likely seen the emblem of Bentley Motors quite a few times as well. You probably now also know what it is like to sit in a Bentley, what it would be like to own one of these cars, and what it would be like to drive one too. If you were to completely stop looking at Bentleys at this point, and completely remove your specific involvement in the process of making such Bentley related manifestations occur, you are most likely still going to see more evidence of Bentleys continue to arise in your life experience. Just watch and wait, you will see. You now have proof of the law of attraction.