The Benefits Of Following Your Bliss

The process of following your bliss is simply the process of giving your attention to thoughts, subjects, and experiences you find to be absolutely blissful. As you give your attention to these good feeling points of focus, you will attract amazing experiences into your life. There are numerous benefits associated with the process of following your bliss too.

Whenever you think about subjects you find to be absolutely blissful, you instantly feel better. If you continually think thoughts you find to be blissful, you will feel even better as well. And if you do this for a prolonged period of time by doing it consistently from day to day, you will ultimately make yourself feel even better.

Although the benefit of feeling good is rewarding enough to make this process worthwhile, there are even greater benefits associated with the following of your bliss. For instance, by thinking thoughts you find to be blissful, you instantly start to attract your desires into your life due to the effects that are produced by the law of attraction.

The law of attraction simply states that like attracts like. Whenever you give your attention to anything, you instantly become more like that which you are giving your attention. As you continually give your attention to a specific subject, the likeness between yourself and that subject becomes even more apparent with time too.

This is an important fact, because whenever you give your attention to thoughts you find to be blissful, you thereby set into motion the attraction of that which you find to be blissful. As you initially give your attention to subjects you find to be blissful, you instantly start to attract thoughts that are associated with that which you find to be blissful.

As you continue to give your attention to that which you find to be blissful, you also begin to create a very strong and pleasant feeling within yourself that is the result of your attention to your desires. This improved feeling cannot persist for long without your life experience improving to match the new state of being you have achieved.

Due to the nature of the law of attraction, your thoughts, feelings, and experiences are always a perfect match to one another. As you improve your state of being, the way you feel, your life experience must then change to match as that which is like you is thereby attracted unto you.

The process of following your bliss is truly one of the most powerful processes you can use to apply the law of attraction to your life, because by thinking about that which you find to be blissful, you instantly improve your state of being, the way you feel. Since the way you feel is your point of attraction, and the experiences you have in life always match the way you feel, you can completely improve your life just by improving the way you feel through the following of your bliss.