Share The Love

When you give your attention to desirable subjects, you begin to vibrate in harmony with them and as others give their attention to you, they begin to vibrate in harmony with you. Since you vibrate in harmony with a desirable subject due to your focusing in this manner, those who focus on you also begin vibrating in harmony with the desirable subject as well. Thus, to share the love, you can simply give your attention to desirable subjects.

As you give your attention to subjects you find to be desirable, you will feel very good as you vibrate in harmony with them and the vibrational frequency at which you vibrate will then be transferred to those who focus upon you. This process will then benefit them as well as you. Due to this phenomenon, the best thing you can do for those around you is to find the best feeling states of being you can possibly find, as is achieved by thinking the best feeling thoughts possible.

The process of thinking the best feeling thoughts you can find will lead you to incredibly good feeling thoughts and as those around you give you their attention, they too will begin to vibrate in harmony with the exceptionally desirable points of focus you have been focusing upon which will then make them feel very good in return.