Infinite Energy

Energy is infinite in itself in its purest form. This pure positive energy is the source of all that is. When consciousness is in this form, it witnesses this pure positive energy in its infinite depth and thus there is no contrast from this perspective. Contrast is created by limiting the amount of energy that is flowing through consciousness and this is how life has come to be.

In a contrasted state, consciousness can continue to limit the amount of energy that flows through it and thus experience more contrast, contrast being subjects that are perceived to be good or bad from the perspective of a being, or it can choose to realign with this infinite source energy and experience less contrast, a state of existence where more pure positive energy is available, one that feels very good to consciousness for it is its natural state.

Thus, your life experience unfolds in a manner that is consistent with the amount of pure positive energy you allow to flow through you. In other words, the extent to which you feel good, a state of being where you are allowing the energy to flow through you, is the extent to which your life experience will also feel good, for the amount of energy that is available to you in your life experience is always equal to the amount of energy you are allowing to flow through you in any given moment. You can easily see how much energy you are allowing to flow through you in any given moment by giving your attention to the way you feel. The better you feel, the more you are allowing the energy to flow through you.