Vibrational Exchanges

Vibrational exchanges are constantly being made as you switch your focus from one point of focus to another. Whenever you switch your focus from one point of focus to another, you are at that moment exchanging the first point of focus you were giving your attention for the new point of focus you have chosen to give your attention. This phenomenon is made particularly apparent whenever you are attempting to pursue a rather large dream.

When a large dream is developed and then pursued, the dreams and points of focus that came before it are then being exchanged in order for the new dream to be pursued. You can benefit from this knowledge by acknowledging the exchanges you are making to ensure you are happy with the vibrational exchanges that are being made through your thoughts.

If you feel the new dream or point of focus you have chosen to give your attention is worth more to you than the initial point of focus your attention is being switched away from, you can be certain that you will continue to move up the vibrational scale towards an overall better feeling life experience by making that exchange. If the new point of focus or dream is not worth more to you than the original one though, you can continue to give your attention to your original point of focus to continue attracting the point of focus or dream that has already been identified.