Sexual Attraction

Sexual attraction is primarily based on the way a person is vibrating. If a person is vibrating at a highly desirable good feeling vibrational frequency and another person chooses to focus upon them, they will begin to vibrate in harmony with the person who is feeling good and they will thus begin to feel better as a result.

This is exactly how sexual attraction works. When you come across someone who is vibrating in a higher, faster, and purer fashion than you, the way you feel will be improved as you give them your attention. If you come across someone who is vibrating even higher, faster, and purer than that person, you will feel even better if you give them your attention instead too.

You can also make yourself a highly desirable sexual companion by improving the way you feel as much as you can. By improving the way you feel as much as you can, you will ultimately improve the way others who focus upon you feel and this will make you very attractive in the eyes of others.