How To Handle Negative Emotion

The experiencing of negative emotion indicates your attention is being given to a vibration that is moving slower than the frequency you presently vibrate at on the infinite vibrational scale. The presence of negative emotion also indicates that your attention is being given to a subject you do not want to attract. For this reason, you should utilize negative emotion as a tool for directing your attention towards your desires.

If you are currently experiencing a lot of negative emotion, you should seriously consider revising your decisions as you direct your attention around the world surrounding you. If you are willing to endure a lot of negative emotion as you watch TV or think about those around you, you will ultimately attract many more thoughts and experiences that will trigger negative emotion. Without seriously reconsidering your decisions as you focus on the world around you, you will continue to experience exorbitant amounts of negative emotion, and the only way in which you may stop this negative attraction is by making the decision to avoid giving your attention to subjects that trigger negative emotion within you.

Along with withdrawing your attention from subjects that trigger negative emotion, you should also make the decision to give as much attention as you possibly can to subjects that inspire a great deal of positive emotion within you. As a result of this decision, you will attract many more thoughts and experiences that will inspire positive emotion within you. If only a small amount of negative emotion is encountered in your daily experiences though, you are likely already giving a considerable amount of your attention to subjects that generate positive emotion within you. When in a situation such as this, you should acknowledge negative emotion for what it truly is, lower and slower vibrational frequencies.

Whenever you experience negative emotion, you are temporarily tapping into lower and slower vibrational frequencies. As you can see, there is no need to worry when this occurs, because you can easily readjust your focus by giving your attention to subjects that inspire strong positive emotion within you, higher and faster vibrational frequencies. The negative emotion being experienced will then have very little impact on your life experience as a result. If you were to resist the negative emotion being experienced by continuing to focus on subjects that trigger negative emotion within you though, you would ultimately attract more thoughts and experiences that generate negative emotion within you.

By immediately switching your focus to subjects that inspire positive emotion within you, you will avoid the compounding effects of the law of attraction and negative emotion. In fact, when you immediately switch your focus away from subjects that inspire negative emotion within you, and drown out those negative vibrational frequencies by tapping into a vibrational frequency that is much higher on the vibrational scale, you will actually compound the positive emotion being experienced and attract many more positive thoughts and experiences as a result of your decision to wisely choose the subjects that are given your attention.