The Importance Of Consistency

Maintaining a desirable vibration will consistently create desirable experiences. An inconsistent vibration will create inconsistent results. This information is very important and very valuable, because it can help you obtain more impressive results when applying the law of attraction to your life.

If you were to only think about what you want as if it is in your current reality just a few times each day, you would only be feeling the feelings of living your dreams for a small portion of each day and due to the nature of the law of attraction, you would only attract a few experiences that match the vibration you have maintained for such short periods of time.

In order to truly generate the type of results most people would like to obtain when utilizing the law of attraction, you must focus on what you want for the majority of each day. As a result of this intense focus, you will feel as if you already have what you want for the majority of each day and thus attract experiences of having what you want for the majority of each day.

If you would truly like to generate impressive results when using the law of attraction, a certain measure of devotion to your dreams will be required. You simply cannot keep going about your days as you have in the past if you want to see change arise in your life. If you were to continue thinking in the same manner as you have in the past, you would still be applying the law of attraction, but you would nonetheless see the same types of experiences arise in your life instead of your dreams if you were to take this route.

It is also important for you to avoid activities that make you feel differently than the way you want to feel, the way you would feel if your dreams were a reality for you right now. If you are used to watching TV or listening to others talk about their problems, but these experiences do not make you feel the way you want to feel, then you need to find a way to replace these experiences with experiences that are a better match to what it is that you want.

By doing so, you will stop the attraction of these unwanted experiences and you will have the chance to replace them by focusing on what you want, points of focus that make you feel as if you already have what you want. Once you start avoiding subjects, points of focus, that do not make you feel as if you already have what you want, and you start focusing on subjects that do make you feel as if you already have what you want instead, you will see your life experience transform to match the new points of focus and feelings you desire to experience more of the time in the future.