The Real Purpose Of Life

The purpose of life is to experience joy. It can also be said that the things in life that give you joy are the purpose of life. This fact alone demonstrates the true importance of the things in life that give you joy.

Once you understand this simple fact, you can stop the endless process of searching for truth and you can begin to relax into your current state of existence by focusing on subjects you love. As you give your attention to subjects you love, you will be fulfilling your life's purpose and you will also feel very good as a result.

Also, by understanding the purpose of life, you can now value the things in your life that you love to the extent they truly deserve to be valued. Many people go through life constantly searching for more and more, but if you understand the fact that the true purpose of life is to experience joy, you also understand that the things in life you love are absolutely priceless and they deserve as much attention as you can possibly give them.

While the giving of attention to the things in life that inspire joy within you is a wonderful experience in its own right, by giving your attention to subjects you love, you will actually be taking advantage of a very powerful universal law, the law of attraction.

The law of attraction states like attracts like. This is a vibrational Universe. Everything is energy vibrating at infinitely varying frequencies. You too are vibrating at a vibrational frequency. The way you feel is an indicator of this vibrational frequency. The way you feel is also your point of attraction, because like attracts like and you attract vibrational frequencies that match your own.

When you give your attention to subjects that inspire joy within you, you attract experiences that inspire joy within you as well. In other words, by giving your attention to joyful subjects in your life, you will attract more opportunities to give your attention to joyful subjects.

Now that you know the true purpose of life, you can start giving your attention to subjects that inspire joy within you as often as possible. As you continue to give your attention to subjects in your life that you love, you will begin to attract joyful experiences in a very powerful way. Plus, the more often you give your attention to subjects that inspire joy within you, the more often you will have experiences in life that give you joy.

By giving your attention to subjects that give you joy in this manner, you will be taking advantage of one of the most powerful law of attraction techniques known to man.