You Get What You Want In Proportion To Your Focus

Many people believe it is rather difficult to use the law of attraction and some do not even believe it works at all, but this scenario only arises when people do not understand how the law of attraction works. If you only focus on that which you want for a short period of time every single day, and for the rest of the day give your attention to an assortment of subjects, the attraction between yourself and that which you desire is going to be very weak and you will only receive manifestations corresponding with it in proportion to the amount of attention you have given it.

You can easily observe this effect by taking a good look at whatever it is you have been giving your attention lately and by observing the type of life experience you are currently living since your current life experience is likely filled with that which you have primarily given your attention in the past.

You have to remember that you are always attracting though. Even when you are not intentionally guiding your focus, you are attracting more of that which you are focusing upon. This is an important concept, because your unintentional focus on a variety of subjects may weaken the attraction between yourself and that which you truly desire.

You can also use this effect by giving a large amount of your attention to that which you are wanting. By giving a large amount of attention to that which you desire right now, you can instantly create a strong attraction between yourself and that topic. Once you have given a significant proportion of your attention to what it is you desire, you will see your life experience transform to match this shift in your focus.

You can view the physical world around you as a representation of your thoughts. The subjects you have given a significant amount of attention up to this point in time are represented by the majority of the world that presently surrounds you. If you would like to see more subjects relating to that which you truly want in your life, you simply need to place enough attention upon what it is you desire so that your physical reality changes to accommodate this change in thought.

This principle may also be important if you would like to keep something present in your life too. If you would like to keep something present in your life, you simply need to give more of your attention to it and you will then get more of it in your experiences. By giving your attention to something you would like to experience more frequently in the future, you will begin attracting that subject into your life to a greater extent. Basically, if you want your daily experiences to be filled with whatever it is you desire, you should start giving more of your attention to it on a daily basis to thereby instantly increase the degree to which that subject is apparent in your life experiences while simultaneously enhancing the attraction of additional experiences of a matching nature.