Why Every Day Seems Similar

The Universe gives you experiences that correspond with your thoughts. If your thoughts are similar in nature from one day to the next, you are going to have experiences that are also similar in nature each day until you change the thoughts you think. If you change the thoughts you think, you thereby change that which happens in your daily life experience.

Most people do not purposely direct their thoughts though. Most people give their attention to whatever happens to be and they then get more of whatever happens to be in their future life experiences. If these individuals were to make drastic changes in their thought processes though, rather than give their attention to whatever happens to be, they would ultimately create drastic changes in their future life experiences.

If each day of your life seems similar, the thoughts you think on a regular basis are the only possible cause of this repetition. If you are constantly giving your attention to whatever happens to be, and are thus thinking about that which is already a reality, you are going to always encounter additional experiences matching the nature of your present reality. If you would like to change this repetition in your life experience, simply start by giving your attention to subjects that you do not normally give your attention.

If you start giving your attention to that which you desire, it will then begin to enter your life experience and the repetition in your routine will likewise be altered. As you continue giving your attention to your desires, and thereby think more about your desires, you will encounter even more of what it is you want and your life experience will then become filled with that which you desire.

Whether you believe this to be true or not, it remains to be true. If you want proof of this truth, simply change the thoughts you think on a regular basis. As you change the thoughts you think and the subjects you give your attention each day, your life experience will then have to change to match the new point of focus to which you give your attention.

The way you feel is your point of attraction since this is a vibrational universe. Everything in existence is energy vibrating at a specific frequency. As you give your attention to anything, a specific vibrational frequency, you harmonize yourself with that frequency and thus attract more of that particular subject into your life as a result. By giving your attention to what it is you desire, you can harmonize yourself with that desire and attract more of it into your life.

If you are presently encountering a repetitive life experience day after day, this repetitiveness is the result of your attention being placed upon the same type of experience in an equally repetitive manner. Basically, if you are currently living a life where the same type of experience seems to repeat itself day after day, this repetition can only exist if you repeatedly hold the same thoughts in your mind or repeatedly give your attention to the same subjects each day. If the experiences you have day after day seem to be similar in nature, you have become aligned with that particular vibrational frequency and you will thus continue to encounter more experiences matching it for as long as you are vibrationally aligned with thoughts of a matching frequency.

Once you change the personal vibrational frequency you are emitting though, the way you feel, you will change the type of experiences you are attracting. By simply changing the thoughts you hold in your mind and by changing the subjects you give your attention on a regular basis, you will begin to align with new subjects and will thus effectively change the type of life experiences you will live from one day to the next.