What Happens In Your Life Is Directly Related To Your Thoughts

Everything that happens to you in life is a direct result of the thoughts you think since you attract the various subjects you focus upon to the degree you give them your attention. In other words, if you give a lot of your attention to one subject, you will then attract a lot of that subject into your life as a result. If you do not give any attention to a subject though, you will not attract a lot of that subject into your life.

The law of attraction works in a precise mathematical manner. Everything is energy vibrating at specific frequencies, including you. As you give your attention to any subject, you begin to vibrate in harmony with the subject you are focusing upon.

When you give a lot of your attention to a subject, you begin to vibrate in harmony with that subject and you attract experiences of a matching vibrational frequency. If you do not give a lot of your attention to a particular subject though, you then vibrate in harmony with other subjects and thus do not attract very many experiences involving that subject into your life experience.

Since the attraction between yourself and a particular subject is always equal to the amount of attention you give it, you can easily tell which subjects you are attracting in any given moment. If you have been giving your attention to a subject, but you are currently only attracting thoughts relating to that subject, you are at that moment in the earliest stage of the creation process.

If you have been giving your attention to your desires for quite a while now, and you are now experiencing small glimpses of your desires manifesting in your life experience, you are getting quite close to the absolute manifestation of your desires. Once you start giving a lot of your attention to your desires, you will then be vibrating in perfect harmony with your desires and they will then likely manifest in your life experience as a result.

The speed at which manifestations appear in your life experience depends upon the thoughts you think. If half the thoughts you think match your desires, but then you spend the rest of your time thinking about that which you do not want, the absence of your desires, the resulting manifestations will likely be rather chaotic and unsatisfying. On the other hand, if you were to think even more thoughts about your desires, say three-quarters of the thoughts you think, and the rest of the thoughts you think were also about desirable subjects, you would likely attract your desires rather quickly, because you always attract subjects in proportion to the amount of attention you give them.

This can be very useful knowledge to have at your disposal, because with this information you can always see where you are in the creation process. As you start giving more of your attention to your desires, you will then begin to see more of your desires appearing in your life experience. If you want the manifestation of your desires to appear even sooner, you can simply give even more of your attention to your desires and you will thus attract experiences that are an even better match to your desires as a result.

This process only works in a desirable manner if you deliberately direct your attention towards your desires though. If you give three-quarters of your attention to your desires today, but then let your attention roam freely tomorrow, the attraction that exists between your desires and yourself will become weaker in time. On the other hand, by continually giving more and more attention to your desires each and every day, the attraction between your desires and yourself will continually become stronger with time.

As you think about your desires, it is of the utmost importance that you always feel good when doing so. When you are thinking about your desires while feeling good, you are at that moment moving towards their ultimate fulfillment.