The Best Way To Use The Law Of Attraction

If you would like to start using the law of attraction in your life, start searching for thoughts and points of focus that are harmonized with that which you want. Which thoughts and points of focus are indeed harmonized with your desires though? This guide will explain how you can go about identifying and employing thoughts that are harmonized with that which you want most in life. You will also learn how to spot thoughts that are not harmonized with your desires while reading this guide as well.

First, you need to know exactly what it is you want in life. What do you want to experience more than anything else right now? What is it that makes your heart sing as you think about it? Which subjects make you want to jump for joy when you are fully immersed within them? Once you have identified these subjects, you will have then found what it is you want more of in your life.

There are two factors you should consider when thinking about that which you do and do not want to experience more often. In particular, thoughts of your desires make you feel really good, or even just better, as you think them and other thoughts do not. When you find a thought that makes you feel better, you have then found a thought that is closer to being harmonized with your desires. When you find a thought that makes you feel worse though, you have then found a thought that is not harmonized with your desires. Once you have found a thought that feels really good to you as you think it, you have then found a thought that is perfectly harmonized with your desires. Thoughts and points of focus that feel really good to you as you think them are the thoughts you should give as much attention as you possibly can.

The reason for this is that the law of attraction states that like attracts like. Whenever you are thinking about what it is you want, you are at that moment attracting more of it into your life. If you think about what it is you do not want though, you are at that moment attracting more of that which you do not want. This is why one of the most important steps you can take to fulfill your dreams is the step of focusing upon whatever it is you want to experience more often in life. If you accidentally focus on something you do not want to experience more often, and you know this to be true because you do not feel good as you give it your attention, then just gently switch your focus back towards thoughts that feel better to you over time. As you do so, you will then stop attracting negative subjects you do not want to experience more often and you will begin to powerfully attract positive subjects into your life that you do indeed want to experience more frequently.

If you want to attract more of your desires into your life, such as a specific subject or the fulfillment of a certain goal, then you need to pay very close attention to whatever it is you are thinking and the way you are feeling at all times. You are always moving towards a subject, or a point of attraction, in every given moment. Every thought you think, every point of focus given your attention, moves you closer to or further away from what it is you want in life. As you focus on thoughts that are harmonized with your desires, you are then moving closer to the fulfillment of those desires.

The way in which you can tell if a thought is absolutely harmonized with your desires is by asking yourself if the particular thought you are thinking makes you feel as good as you would feel if your dreams actually came to be your reality. If you can answer in the affirmative to this question as you are thinking a thought, then you know you have found a thought that is worth focusing upon. If you ask yourself if the thought you are thinking right now makes you feel as good as you would feel if your dreams became your reality, but you answer in the negative, you have then found a thought that is not worth your attention.

For example, let's say you want to be successful and you think the thought, "I can't seem to find success anywhere I look". Which direction do you think and feel this thought is taking you? Is this thought harmonized with success? Is this thought moving you closer to the fulfillment of your desires? Does this thought make you feel as good as you would feel if you actually achieved success? We can safely say no to this one. What if you were to say, "I find success everywhere I look"? Is this thought harmonized with success? Does this thought make you feel as you would feel if you were actually achieving success right now? Is this thought perfectly harmonized with success? We can safely say yes, this thought feels really good to think and it is perfectly harmonized with true success.

As you begin to focus more and more upon the particular thoughts you want to think more often, you will soon start to attract additional thoughts that are harmonized with your desires. As you continue to engage in this process of determining whether or not the thought you are focusing upon is truly harmonized with your desires, you will continually attract thoughts, words, experiences, people, etc. that are perfectly harmonized with your desires. Whatever it is you are focusing upon right now is your current point of attraction. This fact is true in every moment of your life too. As you focus on any given subject more frequently, you will begin to see more and more of that subject in your life on a daily basis as well. With this information in hand, you now know how to tell which thoughts you should focus on and which thoughts you should not be giving any of your attention. You are now also aware of the best way to use the law of attraction to quickly fulfill all of your dreams.